Monday, February 15, 2010

Australian company introduce shirts that neutralise body odour

Body odour, that unfortunate side-effect of hard-working tradesmen, could be a thing of the past.

Advances in clothing technology are resulting in odour-destroying fabrics, performance-increasing sportswear and electrically-conductive fibres sparking excitement in the fashion industry.

Workwear label King Gee's latest release, Steel shirts, are treated with a substance manufactured by textile engineering company Nano-Tex. The treatment picks up on chemicals unique to body odour and neutralises the smell, releasing it in the wash.

"It's quite an impressive bit of technology," says spokeswoman Mirjana Dujkovic. "It has the ability to recognise body odour smell and it's an intellectual molecule. It won't pick up perfume or smoke or anything else."

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