Thursday, February 11, 2010

China's mystery HIV-like disease may be all in the mind

Hundreds of people in China believe they might have a new disease with HIV-like symptoms, but doctors suggest their illness could be the result of a mental rather than a physical condition.

The Chinese authorities have been accused of covering up respiratory illnesses like Sars in the past.

This time doctors are blaming a breakdown in trust between the medical profession and patients, who fear they are being lied to when their diagnostic tests come back negative.

One man convinced he has the condition insisted on meeting in an empty motel room. He tries to avoid public places to reduce the chances of transmission.

He wears a face mask - he suspects his virus is spread by close contact, through sweat or saliva. He thinks he caught it after he had sex with a female prostitute.

But he is not HIV positive - seven HIV tests have come back negative. "I've been to many hospitals, I've had many tests. None of these has proved I'm ill," he explains.

Full story here.

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