Friday, February 05, 2010

Residents terrorised by rogue pheasant

Residents in a North Yorkshire village have said they are being terrorised by a rogue pheasant.

The bird is said to wait silently in bushes in Newsham before jumping out and attacking its prey.

Targets include people, dogs, prams and cars. The animal has also chased children from their school bus.

Efforts to catch the pheasant have so far failed. One villager said she was scared to go out. "It goes for you with its beak and its claws," another added.

A postman in Newsham said he was frightened of the bird. "It's a crackpot," he said. "I've only seen it a couple of times. I wouldn't like to cross it, put it that way."

North Yorkshire Police said they had not received any calls in relation to the pheasant.


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