Saturday, February 13, 2010

Woman chases rat back down toilet

A Winston-Salem woman used a plunger and an empty container of kitty litter to wrangle a rat back into her toilet before flushing it.

With her video camera rolling, Kara Weatherman coaxed the rat from behind the bathroom sink, jabbing at it with the handle of a plunger, until it suddenly jumped into the toilet. She quickly turned an empty kitty litter container upside down over the toilet seat.

"I was as scared of it as it was of me," she said. "I was just kind of winging it."

A few seconds later, Weatherman peaks under the container and catches the rat swimming down into the toilet. She then flushes twice. "I just thank God it went back down the toilet," she said.

With additional news video interviewing Kara Weatherman.

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