His room-mates will include deadly puff adders, snouted cobras, boomslangs, green mambas and black mambas. The 121-day challenge is to begin on 24 April. The current record is held by South African Martin Smit.

Mr Jones, whose wife is scared of snakes, said the last person to attempt the record did so in 2009 and was bitten by a puff adder and narrowly avoided having to have part of his leg amputated. He said: "I have always been interested in snakes and I thought now is the time to do something slightly out of the ordinary in my life, so I though this was a challenge that I wanted to do.
"I'm not terrified - concerned, yes, for a lot of reasons. Not just the fact they are venomous snakes and there is a very real possibility of ending up in hospital, I'm also leaving a wife, I'm leaving a son and I'm leaving my family for four and a half months." Mr Jones is using the challenge to raise money for St Catherine's Hospice in Crawley.
Why would you do something so stupid and dangerous? If I were his wife, I'd be furious with him -- for leaving me and the child alone for 4 months and for risking his life (thus risking leaving me a widow and the child an orphan) for 15 minutes of fame.
Yeah what's the point of all this? He'll just have to make sure all the cages are properly closed so none of the snakes will escape and bite him. That's very impressive?
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