The mother found the crying infant unharmed. The baby was in the cold oven with the door cracked for about two hours, according to Detective Robert Caskey with the McCracken County Sheriff's Department.

Caskey says Long admitted to putting the baby in the oven but says he doesn't know why he did it because he was blacked out after heavily drinking.
"Both parents admitted to drinking," Detective Caskey said. "The father admits to drinking a fifth of Jim Beam and the mother admits she had about four shots."
Caskey says Long also stated he smoked marijuana several hours before the incident. Sheriff's detectives did obtain blood samples from both parents and the results are pending. Long is charged with wanton endangerment and was taken to the McCracken County Jail on $10,000 bond.
Detective Caskey says Long indirectly turned himself in. "Actually the first call was made to Lourdes Hospital to one of their hotlines, the father made that call," Caskey said. "He was concerned about what his punishment would be and how much trouble he was in and that call way relayed to us. If he was concerned about the baby he would have called the ambulance right away."
OK, I had to look this one up. Apparently "a fifth" is one fifth of a US gallon, which roughly equates to 75cl. So, this guy drank an entire bottle of whiskey in one sitting and still had the ability to use a phone! Wow.
Whoa... thanks for the clarification, Mark. I had wrongly interpreted it as a fifth of a bottle, and thought it made no sense he'd be so out of control. Now I get it!
A new addition for the "You Might Be a Redneck if..." joke.
I find the translations so strange between US / UK. Being married to an Englishman you'd think we'd understand each others language quite well but that's not always the case. A fifth is widely used in the US as reference to a full bottle and I would have never have thought otherwise but now can see how that term could be easily misinterpreted.
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