The seven-tonne Systemlife Citta costs about 25 million rupees (£357,000). It sucks in 10,000 cubic metres of dirty air an hour, subjects it to a filtering process, and then emits clean air.

Delhi officials say that more of the machines will be bought if the current one, installed at one of Delhi’s busiest traffic junctions as part of a pilot project, proves a success. “We will evaluate its efficacy after three months,” P.K. Sharma, health chief of the New Delhi Municipal Council, said. “If it works, we will buy more.”
Delhi is the second dirtiest city in the world in terms of the amount of particulate matter in the atmosphere, according to the World Bank.

A brown haze often lingers over the Indian capital — a smudgy cloud linked by analysts to increasing rates of asthma.
Only in Cairo is the air grimier. Another Indian city, Calcutta, is in third place. Globally, air pollution claims about two million lives a year, according to the World Health Organisation.
Face Palm. Wrong # 4. Those rupees could be used to feed the starving kids in street. Next thing you know owl gore will be there to cut the ribbon and start the machine.
Globally, air pollution claims about two million lives a year, according to the World Health Organisation.
Yeah, but the only reason to clean up the environment is because of global warming, and because the top scientists at Fox News have proven it to be a hoax, it ain't gonna happen.
Oh, wait... they're not scientists? Hmmm...
L: Well played :)
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