Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Malaysian magazine sorry for communion-spitting offence

A Malaysian Muslim magazine has apologised after two of its journalists pretended to be Roman Catholics and took Holy Communion in a church.

Al-Islam said it had not intended to insult Christians with an article describing how the journalists received and later spat out communion wafers.

They were allegedly investigating reports that Muslims were illegally converting to Christianity.

Christians complained after charges against the reporters were dropped.

The Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Murphy Pakiam, said the two men had desecrated the Church, and the lack of charges appeared to legitimise their behaviour.

"The journalists have displayed utmost disrespect for the Catholic community when they admit receiving and spitting out the Holy Communion," he told a press conference. He said the incident "does not augur well on inter-religious harmony and peace" in Malaysia.

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