77-year -old Ole Johan Hansen from Arna, outside Bergen in the west of Norway, saw a mystic light out on the lake one evening, about 6ft wide, unlike anything he had seen before.
He could see no one with his binoculars, and due to the risk of falling through the ice, did not investigate until the next day.
The following day, a strange, symmetric pattern covered the lake.
I seem to recall seeing something similar recently. Isn't this a natural phenomenon?
No absolutely not natural- This is the typical pattern of a disroptor-salvo from a DeathStar shooting at another vessel that just went into warp.
& no image of jesus found yet ???? *DONT_KNOW*
(it's simple : the water level in the pond/lake is lowering, so the icecover is crashing in)
dear oh dear, he saw some strange lights.... let me guess : after a bottle of cheap vodka ???
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