After a prosecution estimated to have cost taxpayers £20,0000, Joan Higgins, 66, a great-grandmother who has never been in trouble before, has been forced to wear a tag on her ankle like a common criminal and given a seven-week curfew.

Her son, Mark, 47 was also handed a fine and ordered to carry out 120 hours unpaid work in the community. Magistrates have been accused of using a hammer to crack a nut in their bid to enforce the animal welfare laws.
The court ruling means she is unable to babysit her great-grandson at his home, attend bingo sessions with her sister or enjoy a Rod Stewart concert after tickets were bought for her by her TV actor nephew Will Mellor. Her son said: 'I think it's a farce. What gets me so cross is that they put my mum on a tag - she's nearly 70, for goodness sake. She's a great grandma so she won't be able to babysit a new born baby. You would think they have better things to do with their time and money.'
...But carstealing joyriding kids aged 14 walk away with a hearthy Talk and a Warning...?
.... *DONT_KNOW*
<span>The people of England should consider leaving before it’s too late. Obviously Fascism is putting a death grip on the nation. </span>
Manchester LABOUR council! Vote BNP!
I work in pet retail.
Today, I sold a dragon goby, 2 pink gourami, and 2 tiger barbs to a 10-year old boy.
I am going to Hell.
people, you need to rise up and let them know these farcical laws and out of touch judgments will not be tolerated anymore. retake your basic rights and civil liberties.
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