Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Skippng rope sex act man saved

A Chinese man had to undergo surgery to remove nearly 3ft of skipping rope from his bladder.

The rope became lodged after 58-year-old migrant worker Zhao Chenglin, from Chongqing, inserted it into his penis as part of a bizarre sex act.

Zhao put the whole 2.8ft (85cm) plastic rope into his urethra, but when he tried to pull it out he found it had become stuck.

Hospital scans showed it had become bundled into a knot and was trapped in his bladder.

Because he couldn't afford to get it removed surgically, Chenglin lived with the problem for two painful months until a friend begged a specialist hospital to help him.

Chenglin was admitted the same day and surgeons managed to remove the rope successfully.

There's a tiny photo showing part of the removed skipping rope on this page.


arbroath said...

Ouch! I don't even have one, and this story hurts it :(

arbroath said...

I'm actually sitting here with my mouth hanging open in disbelief. I suppose my initial reaction wasn't helped by the mental image of the traditional kind of skipping rope - http://gallery.nen.gov.uk/gallery_images/0801/0000/0145/skipping_rope_mid.jpg

arbroath said...

"...<span>other things not go into penis!"</span>

Who are you to say that? Are you one of those loony people who think any sexual activity other than vaginal intercourse is wrong and perverted?

arbroath said...

Not usually, no, but stuffing things into my urethra has never really been on my to-do list.  I've always viewed it as something done by doctors which is more likely to produce an "ouch" than an "ooh".

arbroath said...

Many have the same view about anything anal. :-D