Thursday, March 04, 2010

Stray cat credited in cancer diagnosis

When a cat showed up on her doorstep one night, a Winnipeg woman thought it was just another stray. But the cat may have saved Judy Danchura's life. "About 3:00 in the morning, we heard this meowing outside the side door. I went down and let him in. He wandered around for a little while in the house I guess. I went back to bed," said Danchura.

After she let the cat into her house, he jumped on her bed and crawled up her side. He stopped at her breast which Danchura says was unusually painful. She felt a lump, which doctors confirmed was cancer. Danchura says she might not have found the lump without the cat whom she's adopted and named Sumo.

"I know I certainly would be far worse off. I would probably be having to take chemotherapy that's for sure. I don't know what my chances would have been without him," she said. Now she's taking anti-cancer medication and going through radiation therapy. Doctors say her chances of survival are 96%.

Danchura says Sumo is her furry four-footed angel. "I sometimes feel overwhelmed. I feel humbled because I can't understand why this animal turned up for me, let's say. There are so many people who have cancer. And I think to myself, why would he show up at my doorstep?"

With news video.

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