Sunday, April 04, 2010

Eugene Terre'Blanche 'murdered by his own workers'

Eugene Terre'Blanche, the notorious far-right South African politician, has been murdered at his farm by two of his own employees, according to reports. He was killed with pipes and 'panga' machetes while sleeping, according to a spokesman for his Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement) party.

Terre'Blanche was one of the most divisive figures in South African politics, believing firmly in white supremacy and the separation of the races and bitterly opposing the anti-apartheid movement. He recently declared of post-apartheid South Africa: "Our country is being run by criminals who murder and rob. This land was the best, and they ruined it all. We are being oppressed again. We will rise again."

AWB spokesman André Visagie said Terre'Blanche, who was apparently alone on the farm at the time of the attack, was beaten so badly "he didn't look like Eugene anymore". Visagie said that Terre'Blanche's only security were his dogs which were "neutralised".

A 15-year-old and 21-year-old who worked for Terre'Blanche were arrested, according to police spokesperson Captain Adele Myburgh. Captain Myburgh said: "Mr Terre'Blanche's body was found on the bed with facial and head injuries. There was a panga on him and knobkerrie next to the bed.


arbroath said...


Him telling that his country is "being run by criminals who murder and rob", while generally the whole country economically is doing better and that large parts of the population lea better lives than during the Apartheid-days--- And then he is beaten and slashed to death by his own employees...

arbroath said...

Excuse me, most white SA people are nothing like TerreBlanche and didn't personally go round oppressing people. Not paying someone, and we don't know the full story behind why he didn't, shouldn't be reason enough to bludgeon someone while they sleep. 

arbroath said...

Zav Please think of the bad way Eugene paid his employees and the solution they had for him next time you get mistreated by <span>your</span> boss...

arbroath said...

Once a maggot himself, now he's food for the maggots.

arbroath said...

That's unfair. I very much doubt these murderous farm workers were running anything, let alone the country.