Friday, April 09, 2010

Man allowed to be naked in his home - Update

The jury deliberated for less than 20 minutes. They returned to the courtroom and declared Erick Williamson not guilty of indecent exposure. One juror said she had a hard time not laughing during some of the testimony. Another juror said "it was easy.”

But it has not been easy for Williamson. Police entered his Springfield home with guns drawn last October. He has spent months fighting the charge in court. His feeling on Wednesday was of "relief, unbelievable, weight off my shoulders after six months."

Williamson acknowledges that he was naked inside his home on the day in question. His accuser, Yvette Dean, says she made eye contact with Williamson while he was standing naked in the doorway. She was walking her son to school. She testified that she gave Williamson the finger and had to shelter her son with her coat so that he could not see Williamson.

The defendant testified he never saw them and was busy drinking coffee and packing to move out of the house. "I was not interested in exhibiting myself to anybody on the street, but in hindsight, now that that's happened, I won't have an open window in my house," said Williamson.

With news video. Previously.


arbroath said...

Fantastic!  It's a win for common sense :-D  

arbroath said...

Can you imagine how tricky it would be if the court ruled he couldn't be naked in his own home?

How would he take a shower?