Monday, April 26, 2010

Man arrested after blowing nose on girlfriend

A 44-year-old man was charged with battery on April 10 after his girlfriend told police he had sealed off one nostril and blown the contents of the other nostril all over her.

The nostril contained blood and other bodily fluids, according to his Crestview Police Department arrest report. He had been in another altercation, which caused his nose to bleed.

The woman had blood splattered on her face, chest, arms and pants, but no signs of any injury that could have caused the blood to be hers, the officer noted.

He is due in court May 4.


arbroath said...

Awww.... thankfully, I'd finished my lunch before reading this!!  *Booowff*

arbroath said...

That's disgusting. Hopefully he's no longer her boyfriend.