Thursday, April 15, 2010

Police officer uses Taser to shock female officer on the rear

A Florida sheriff's department officer was reprimanded for zapping a female deputy on the derriere with his Taser stun gun, authorities said on Tuesday.

The incident, which was captured on film inside the Collier County sheriff's department, took place in December.

Videotape film footage reviewed by officials as part of a subsequent investigation showed Wilmer Arencibia, a corporal with the department, chasing a female deputy, holding a Taser device in his hand.

Then in full view of several fellow deputies, he playfully zaps his colleague on the bottom with the stun gun.

"It was just like a spur of the moment thing," he later told officials during an investigation of the incident. Arencibia apologized to the deputy, who hurled invectives at him, but was basically unharmed by the Taser jolt.

He received a letter of reprimand from a disciplinary committee, including a "final warning" for "engaging in horseplay" against departmental rules.

1 comment:

arbroath said...

Tasers have been known to kill.

In light of that, this doesn't seem that "playful" to me.