Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rowers ask Queen to kill violent swan

Cambridge rowers are appealing to The Queen for permission to kill an agressive swan nicknamed Mr Asbo which is terrorising boaters and canoeists. The bad-tempered bird attacks any boat which gets too near and has already left dozens of rowers with cuts and bruises.

Last year Cambridgeshire Rowing Association and Cam Conservators sent an email warning rowers to keep their distance from the fully-grown male. But this year Mr Asbo has moved further into the city and become even more aggressive, chasing after motor boats as well as canoes.

The bird, who has even been known to capsize rowers, is believed to be protecting his partner and nearby nest. Now Bill Key, president of the Cambridgeshire Rowing Association, has called for the Queen to authorise the removal of the the swan before it causes serious injury.

The Conservators of the Cam, who are the custodians of the river, said discussions were taking place about whether the swan could be removed. Deputy manager Jonathan Wakefield said: "The Queen has an officer responsible for the swans. I don't believe that anybody can kill or remove a swan without permission from them. We are liaising with various governing bodies to see what the options are."

1 comment:

arbroath said...

I thought most swans were ill-tempered.