Saturday, April 10, 2010

Unwanted boy adopted in US sent back to Russia

A seven-year-old Russian boy who was adopted by an American woman has been sent home on his own with a note saying he was no longer wanted. Young Artem Savelyev arrived at Moscow airport with the typed note from his adoptive mother which said he was being abandoned after only six months in her care.

Torry-Ann Hansen had admitted to having made a mistake and suggested the boy should be re-housed. "I no longer wish to parent this child," the unmarried 27-year-old nurse from Tennessee wrote, requesting his adoption be annulled.

Click for bigger.

She accused the boy's Siberian orphanage of misleading her about Artem's behavioural problems. Hansen had placed sweets, biscuits and colouring pens in the child's rucksack before checking him onto the 10-hour flight as an unaccompanied minor, reportedly telling him he was going on an "excursion" to Moscow.

Russia media has reacted with horror to the case and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov called for all adoptions of the country's children by US citizens to be frozen. He was picked up at the airport on Thursday by a Russian man who took him to the city's education ministry, where the youngster was left.

The man told officials he had been offered $200 (approximately £130) over the internet by Hansen to perform the service. Artem has since been taken to hospital, where an examination revealed no signs of violent treatment.

But he reportedly told officials he was sometimes "dragged by his hair" by Hansen. The boy will be kept in for a week before being transferred to an orphanage, either at the foreign ministry or in his home town in the far eastern Primoriye region.


arbroath said...

Surely must be a crime in the states, child abandonment, endangerment, criminal negligance... something.  Surely you can't just shove YOUR kid on a plane to the other side of the world without the law catching up with you.

arbroath said...

Hey if any kid would puke or have a bloody nose, she also would ask for refunds...

Screwed up...

arbroath said...

<p><span>What a stupid Cow. There’s probably a good reason she can’t have children of her own.....</span></p>

arbroath said...

While her behavior is questionable, I have read other stories that explain the situation a bit more thoroughly:

Apparently he had severe psychological problems on a level that were quite unmanageable.

arbroath said...

Jemima you said exactly what I was going to mention; I too read the more comprehensive article earlier.  While I still find her behavior reprehensible it sounds as though the child had some severe emotional problems.  Of course, said problems aren't going to be helped by being abandoned and sent halfway around the world alone.  It sounds like this woman wanted a cute handbag more than to adopt a child.  It's sad that thousands of other children and hopeful parents are going to be kept apart if Russian adoptions are halted because of the ignorant actions of this one, shallow family.

arbroath said...

As a resident of the United States and former Tennesseean, you can believe it when I say there a lot of people here who think *SHE* should be put on a plane with a one-way ticket and an unreadable note in her pocket to ... ... [fill in your choice of destination].

arbroath said...

"I.......would like the adoption disanulled."

Stupid woman. So it's already been anulled, but she wants the anullment reversed so the adoption stands?

Or is she just too as thick as two short planks?

arbroath said...

What if her own biological child had severe psychological problems?  What would she do then?  I hate to imagine...

If that poor kid didn't have issues before, he's sure going to have them now.

arbroath said...

Wow. The boy really must have frightened them with his descriptions of how he burned down a house back in Russian and his threats to kill them for their house.
He's only been in the US for 6 months and, considering she changed his name from Artyev to Justin, it's doubtful she took the time to learn, I'm just wondering what language was used for this exchange? Hmmm.

arbroath said...

i don't know what i would do in such a situation... who knows what that boy had done to that lady that she didn't want to take care for him anymore...