Lyz Parker, 23, found him in a bag of Candy King she got at Tesco Home Plus in Staines, Middlesex.

She said: "When I opened the bag I screamed so loudly the whole office came running over. I couldn't believe my eyes."
Lyz, from Camberley, Surrey, called Candy King but at first they thought it was a prank call. The firm is now investigating, and said yesterday: "Clearly this is not part of Candy King's assortment."
She obviously never has been to Brussels (Belgium) or she would have recognised Manneken Pis.
My mom once found a writhing bug in her salad at a restaurant and all she did was quietly flag the waitress.
Screaming is a bit over-the-top for a gummy treat.
I recognise Manneken Pis and I have never been to Brussels or even Belgium. You know, Foreigner1, they have invented this magical thing called pho-to-graph.
Silly me, I didn't even notice you had included one of those pho-to-graphs in your post already.
Screaming is a bit over-the-top in most situations. It IS about getting attention. I have had people, mostly other women, but men, too, encourage me to be more emotional, more reactive, to the point that they will actively ignore any proper communication, to try to bully you into an ugly kind of behaviour. If they can make you look as stupid, emotional as they are, they can discredit you as a person, and they make their own childish behaviour look more common and acceptable by comparison. It's an ugly kind of poison.
AIEEEEEE! A candy!
or Geraardsbergen in belgium : there's a second one (and tradition claims that blahblahblah first blahblahblah original one, etc....)
(most people will know geraardsbergen from cycling race "tour of flanders", it's where the decisive "muur" is at)
No one mentioned that this happened in Middlesex...
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