Blurton, of Summit Cove, had said the move was in self-defence after a mugger struck him in the back of the head. But surveillance footage was insufficient to support that claim, and none of his money was missing from the scene, according to a press release from the district attorney's office. The felony of reckless discharge of a firearm can result in a prison sentence of up to three years, and misdemeanor counts of “prohibited use of a weapon — drunk with a gun” and reckless endangerment combine for imprisonment up to a year-and-a-half.

But Word said the prosecution is “really looking at probation,” for the primary concern is “we just don't want him having guns. He's not a bad guy. He just made a series of really bad choices,” she said.
Heather Beattie, Blurton's attorney, said she was disappointed in the outcome — but that, based on conversations with jury members, it seemed reasonable. “Many jurors sympathized with him,” she said. “I had a juror call me at my office and leave a message saying, ‘We're really sympathetic to (the) client but feel safer as a community not having problems going on with guns and drunkenness.'”
Blurton seems to heve been a bit blurred at the time...
"...<span>said the move was in self-defence after a mugger struck him in the back of the head." (???)</span>
"Step back or I'll shoot myself in the twins!"
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