The words are clear on the sign - and disturbing, but, purposely misleading. "I'm not a paedophile," said Chauncey Killens. Killens has travelled through a dozen other cities holding this sign - he says he opposes adults having sex with children, just like he opposes gay marriage – the real reason he's here.

"Once you allow same sex marriage, it's only inevitable that the other groups are also going to fight for their rights," said Killens. "You're going to have to allow polygamy, incest, bestiality paedophiles." The sign acts as a spark to a fiery debate Killens almost seems desperate for. "I want to agitate people, wake them up," said Killens.
Some might call him brave, others might call him stupid, when asked where he thinks he rates, Killens replied, "[I'm] probably a combination of both." Killens says he has been spit on, had his sign taken from him, and in Shreveport the cops were called on him. "They take down my information run a report." Killens was not arrested, and says it is his constitutional right to carry the sign, and he vows to continue the protest in other cities.
With news video.
Whenever I hear about these nutters, I wonder if they really, sincerely believe what they say, or is it just fearmongering. At least to me it is absolutely ludicrous to think that if gays are allowed to get married, next we are going to have to decriminalise child rape. How could anyone actually believe such nonsense?
Yes we all need an idiot with a sign to make us think. Clearly we are unable to form our own thoughts and opinions and are influenced too much by the media.
Now excuse me, I have to enjoy Coke, it's phenominal, I wont go compare I just do it, do do do do do I'm loving it, it's simples *squeek*
molesting pedophiles is okay, kicking douchebags in the balls is okay. I dont really mean it, its about the message behind it *rolls eyes*
Someone ought to get him a copy of this cartoon.
"Suicide is painless..."
Well- Perhaps not if you do it like this by putting up such a sign to call upon the highly offended and highly agitated forces of the onlookers....
He's right, you know. Here in Canada, where gay marriage is legal, we all have 20 spouses (who are, conveniently, our own siblings), have sex with our pets, and rape our own children. *sigh* How our society has fallen!
Children can't give informed consent. Adults can. You'd have to be a complete idiot to confuse the two. Pedophilia is not and will never be equivalent, ethically or morally, to consenting adults getting married. Adults who, I might add, pay equal taxes and deserve equal protection under the law.
This man is what I believe the scientists refer to as "an attention whore".
I'm going to sound nitpicky, but I have a correction for your terminology. There's a big difference between pedophilia and child molestation. The former is a thought, the latter an act. Pedophilia cannot be a crime in a country that wants to call itself civilized and free.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because by automatically and universally equating being a pedophile to raping children, people are making the lives of good pedophiles even more difficult. Yes, there are good pedophiles, who know that their desires are wrong and would never act on them. They have no escape, only lifelong self-denial, self-disgust and fear of revelation. And if their private struggle would ever become known, inevitably people wouldn't think them as commendable individuals who got dealt sucky cards in life, but instead just child rapists waiting to happen. It's hard to imagine any group of people with a more tragic fate.
Slippery slope arguments usually slip both ways
what about kids who can CONSENT!!!!!!! what you think is ok somebody else doesnt doesnt make you right or wrong. STOP thinking sex is bad because of AGE!!!!!!!!
I saw an article that children as young as 11 were being forced to marry their rapist in Florida. Some law rhat Florida has that allows underage marriage as long as rhe childs pare ts consent
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