Sunday, May 23, 2010

Man upset after remains of father and grandfather he kept in car destroyed

The Wausau towing company that towed and destroyed a car that had cremated remains inside did not have the legal right to do so, according to Wausau Police. Shawn Leslie's 1994 Mercury Cougar was towed in April from the lot near N. 3rd Avenue and Quaw Street in Wausau, where it had been parked for months. Leslie says he drives a truck, and is often gone for long periods of time.

He was keeping the cremated remains of his father and grandfather in the vehicle. He says he had received permission to keep his car parked there from the owner of a business that uses the lot. But the manager of the property says he didn't know who the vehicle belonged to, and had the vehicle removed in April. Leslie reported the vehicle stolen on May 10th, only to be notified by police days later that it had been towed and destroyed.

Full story with news video here.


L said...

If you really care about someone's remains, why do you keep them in an abandoned car?

Arbroath said...

Heh heh, exactly!