The Pagan Police Association claimed yesterday that it had been recognised by the Home Office as a “diversity staff support association” — a status also enjoyed by groups representing female, black, gay, Muslim and disabled officers.

Endorsement would mean that chief constables could not refuse a pagan officer’s request to take feast days as part of his or her annual leave. The eight pagan festivals include Imbolc (the feast of lactating sheep), Lammas (the harvest festival) and the Summer Solstice (when mead drinking and naked dancing are the order of the day).
Problematically, the pagan festivals also include Samhain (known to non-pagans as Hallowe’en), a day when police leave is often cancelled because of the high incidence of vandalism, violence and antisocial behaviour.
Imbolc is NOT about lactating sheep, it is the celebration of life & fertility. Not all pagans celebrate naked either!
Agreed with Bob- This text is shortsighted and stereotypical.
Next time you describe Islam you also will say that it is all about slaughtering goats and turning endlessly toward Meccah barefooted and that Christendom is all about waving crosses and incense and carrying around effigies?
As a pagan, i get really narked by the way the media portays paganism.
But then again when have they ever let facts get in the way of a good story
As an athiest, I'm annoyed you get more time off based on professed beliefs than I do.
Religions have some benefits - You can get subsidies for them, <span>holi</span>days, they give you the right to collect money from followers, they are tax-deductable...
:-$ :-$ :-$
I'm sure most atheists still get Christmas off, whether they believe in Jesus or not.
There are also tens of thousands of Hindus and Buddhists who get Christmas off for the same reason, so that's a strawman arguement.
All you have to do is profess to following a religion don't actually have to follow it.
I suggest if you are really that upset you pretend to be the one which gets the greatest number of days off!
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