The fan, wearing a baseball cap, red T-shirt and khaki shorts, dropped in a heap after he was blasted with the weapon during a Philadelphia Phillies game.

The 17-year-old pitch invader had hurdled a fence and was running rings around two security officers before being abruptly felled.
The wild scene, at the game against the St Louis Cardinals, was witnessed by more than 44,000 spectators.
Police spokesman Lt Frank Vanore said that internal affairs chiefs will investigate whether the firing "was proper use of the equipment".
The teams said it was the first time a Taser had been used by police to apprehend a spectator. One fan, who saw the incident, said: "Best part of last nights game. If that kid is dumb enough to run out on the field, he deserved to be tasered."
One fan, who saw the incident, said: "Best part of last nights game. If that kid is dumb enough to run out on the field, he deserved to be tasered."
A silly kid doesn't deserve death, dumbass. Tasers have been known to be lethal. Looks like the security guards had some bruised egos and were looking for an easy target.
if tasers are lethal he must have resurrected from the dead as i see him walking again
If he was commiting a violent act i could see tasering him but he was just running on the pitch causing a ruckus, big deal. I dont see why thats enough reason to put his life at risk.
That said they did a good job of making an example out of him.
he wasn't even naked..
- He disturbed the game
- He went over the fence which he knew was not allowed
- He ran over the field and he knew that was not allowd
- He tried to avoid being caught by those people that had the right to walk there an by the officers that had the duty to prevent anyone from disturbing the game
- He knew that the security-officers carry tasers
- He most likely knows the possible risks involved with getting tasered
- The risks of getting tasered cannot be that great since every officer carrying a taser has to feel being tasered at least once during his or her own training on the use of the taser
So no his life was not put at risk, he knew what risks he took and he got what he was in for so the game could continue.
so have billyclubs, headlocks and even noogies
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