Instead of seeking medical attention for his 36-year-old girlfriend, Vinson demanded money from her to buy beer, Assistant District Attorney Mike Griesbach said during Vinson's Wednesday bail hearing. She gave him $50 of her $150 monthly disability check, Griesbach said.

According to police and prosecutors: When the woman told Vinson she didn't have the rest of the money, he punched her in the head twice and waived a butcher knife in her face. The woman tried to escape to the bedroom, using her weight to hold the door shut. Vinson followed with the knife and tried to push the door open.
He told the woman he was going to kill her and swiped the knife at her three times. When he forced the door open, he hung up the phone while she was trying to dial 911. The woman suffered pain and swelling to her forehead. She was taken to Aurora Medical Center but her condition was unavailable. Vinson was arrested for battery, robbery and endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon. Griesbach added a charge of intimidation of a victim during the bail hearing.
Amazing... Simply amazing...
And she'll probably take him back. (I can't imagine this is the first time he's been abusive, so she's obviously put up with his behaviour in the past.)
Nice baby daddy.
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