Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ugly Bertie, the 'ugliest cat in Britain', looking for a home

Ugly Bertie, as he has been named by the RSPCA workers who found him, takes ugly to a whole new level. The unfortunate cat, a Persian longhair, was found wandering around in Brentwood Drive, Farnworth, when he was picked up by an RSPCA inspector. His fur was full of fleas and so matted to his body that he could hardly walk.

Kathy Kay at the Bolton branch of the RSPCA said: “Have you ever seen an uglier cat than that? We keep looking at him and laughing, but at the same time we feel really sorry for him. He’s either been abandoned or got himself lost. Persians are not the sort of cats that can groom themselves.

It takes a lot of work to look after them and, unless people are prepared to do all that, they should not be getting a long haired cat.” Bertie’s looks are not helped by the fact that the vets who dealt with him had to shave him to solve the problem of his matted hair. The RSPCA estimate he is about eight years old, and he is now in perfect health.

Mrs Kay said: “He’ll probably be a very attractive cat when his hair grows back and he gets himself sorted.” Now the RSPCA is hoping someone else will give Bertie a new home.

1 comment:

L said...

That's not a cat.