"I've been eating popcorn many years, but now I wish I hadn't. It's made me very sick," she said in between coughing fits. "I was eating two or three bags of popcorn a day. I didn't know it would destroy my lungs." The Far Rockaway woman is one of a handful of consumers who has sued over exposure to the additive biacetyl, which gives popcorn its buttery taste.

Several factory workers also have sued the Ohio company and other popcorn makers, resulting in more than $100 million in settlements, lawyers say. The workers claim the additive has destroyed airways in their lungs.
Mercado learned last month she has a condition known as bronchiolitis obliterans. She says she ate Act II Lite popcorn every day from 1991 to 2007. Mercado is confined to a desk job at a Rockaway nursing home and carries an oxygen tank with her everywhere she goes, said her lawyer, Wendy Fleishman. "She has to work in a sedentary job," Fleishman said. "She just had a horrible reaction to this. It should never have been added to microwave popcorn or any other food."
"Buttered" popcorn twice a day every day for 16 years? Wow... She must really like popcorn.
This really happens. That buttery scent is very toxic and the people who work in the factories that make it often end up with severe lung problems.
Wow, that's disturbing. We put this stuff in FOOD?!
And what a horrible thing to do to the workers....
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