Saturday, June 12, 2010

Balinese teenager caught making love to 'flirtatious' cow

A Balinese teenager captured stark naked in the act of sexually penetrating a domestic cow claims he believed the animal was a young and beautiful girl. The young man has been identified as Ngurah Alit, 18, an unemployed youth from the seaside village of Yeh Embang in Jembrana. Village head Ida Bagus Legawa said that a villager, identified as Gusti Ngurah Dinar, caught Alit committing bestiality “when he was standing naked and holding the cow’s ass.” He was standing on a mud terrace between two rice paddy fields. A shocked Dinar escorted Alit to the village office for questioning, where he stated that he believed the cow, owned by Wayan Yasa, was a young and beautiful girl.

“She was calling to me, making flattering comments, then I had sex with her,” Alit told local officials. As is usual in such situations — this is the second recorded instance of cow rape in Bali in about two years — the animal will be drowned at sea in a Pecaruan cleansing ceremony intended to rid the village of what Legawa described as “dirty behaviour.” Alit will be cleansed in the ocean and must pay a fine of 2,000 traditional Balinese coins. The owner will be compensated Rp 5 million ($540) for the loss of his cow.

The teenager passed out on Friday when he was forced to marry the animal in a ceremony witnessed by hundreds of curious onlookers. As part of a Pecaruan ritual, a ceremony to cleanse the village of the unholy act of a man mating with a cow, Alit was forced to “marry” the animal. Alit, however, passed out surrounded by locals and police, who were attempting to prevent a number of journalists from covering the spectacle. It is unclear whether or not he got to say “I do.”

Alit’s collapse prompted his mother to begin screaming hysterically, while other family members shouted at photographers not to take pictures. “Poor kid. He’s actually a quiet kid,” said one villager. As part of the ceremony, Alit’s victim and new bride was drowned in ocean. Alit, on the other hand, was symbolically drowned and bathed on the beach. “Only his clothes were thrown into the sea,” the villager said. Village chief Ida Bagus Legawa declared that the village had been “cleansed” from the “defilement from the incident.”


so said...

what a weird story... 

I'm kinda shocked that the victim of the "rape" (i.e. the cow) has to be drowned... I don't see the point in punishing the poor cow!
I just hope the drowning rule doesn't apply when the rape victim is a woman... *DONT_KNOW*

Veal said...

But of course it has to be drowned. You can't have a promiscuous cow on the loose making cat calls to young men walking down the street. Dirty cow.

2ldmoe said...

remember from my younger days, guy in our (then) village (in belgium) was also caught "standing on a bucket behind a cow...."
even though he did have "a problem", it was not thàt problem which caused him to commit suicide a couple of months later : it was us humans by making fun of him
(oops : more than 35 years ago already)
it's only now, when one gets older, that you learn how stupid we behave & can be

we were worse than the guy, in the end

Foreigner1 said...

I think this poor deranged kid can count his blessings that he lives in Bali instead of lots of other places (like for instance Belgium) ...