Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Couple born in same hospital on same day to marry

Quite by chance, Jacqueline Smith and Janis Singley ended up in the same hospital room after giving birth to Jacqueline's twins, Steve and Scott, and Janis' daughter, Amy, on April 17, 1986. Now, 24 years after being roommates at birth, Steve and Amy are getting married.

Although both families lived in Easton, Pennsylvania, they didn't really know each other, except from a distance through church activities. Steve only thought of Amy as "the girl with the same birthday as me."

But as sophomores, Steve asked Amy to the movies and that was that. On the first anniversary of their first date, Steve wrote a poem for her. It's called "Destiny."

It was as if they they'd known each other their whole life. The wedding is on June 12.

Full story here.


Anonymous said...

What the heck is that hanging on the wall?

Misrule said...

That's EXACTLY what I was wondering!

Anonymous said...

LOL...  I didn't even notice that until it was pointed out.  Now I'm thinking, "WTF?!"

Anonymous said...

its an old tool to toast your bread on a fireplace. that way you can have nicely heart shaped bread for your breakfast. I cant believe you dont know it. also I was born the 17th of april 1986 and *I* was meant to marry amy..damn. this guy ruined my life.

cath said...

Scott? Is that you?