A friend joked that she was producing so much extra milk that Toni could open her very own dairy. So she turned to the internet in a bid to offer expectant mothers who could not produce their own milk the chance to use hers.

But Toni was stunned when her only customers turned out to be men – who use the milk for its healing properties. Studies have shown breast milk can be used to maintain general good health and could even be a miracle cure for adult illnesses including cancer, diarrhoea and diabetes.
Toni, of Exeter, Devon, now has ten regular customers, who she charges £15 for 4oz of breast milk. She said: ”I was expecting women who couldn’t breast feed to get in touch but instead all the responses were from men.”
How long does that milk last once its out of the body?
I would imagine that, as long as it's refrigerated, it lasts about the same as "regular" milk. Maybe a bit less since I assume it's not pasteurized.
All the trouble to get off that nasty milk and then restart at a later age...?
To me, that sounds more like some midlife crisis than health-consciousness....
To me that sounds more like some weird sexual fetish than health conciousness...
Why would there be only male customers, then?
Are these guys all from Saudi Arabia?
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