Their obvious affectionate displays are making others embarrassed, according to a Sri Lankan official. "We have taken them into custody for indecent behaviour at a public place," police spokesman Prashantha Jayakody said. "Usually we free them after informing their parents."

Although charges are not normally pressed, 22 couples are to appear before a magistrate for their alleged crimes in the town of Matara. A resident in the southern town said young couples sometimes acted intimately on the beach as they cannot afford the privacy of hotels.
It is considered unacceptable to exhibit such behaviour, particularly in rural and provincial parts of the country. Even in the more Westernised capital, Colombo, police are known to sometimes apprehend the city's "umbrella lovers", who shelter under parasols due to the heat.
A society that basically discourages affection and love is really screwed up.
They are just discouraging in public. If they allow people to do it in the private of there own homes, i might disagree but see no problem with it.
Discouraging innocent behaviour such as holding hands in public still sends the message that affection is wrong.
Do they arrest 5-year-old kids who have a crush, too?
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