‘She was my first wife and after she failed to conceive a child, I married twice – but again I did not have any children from my other wives either.’ Devi, from Madina in Rohtak, northern India, was given IVF treatment at the National Fertility Centre in Hisar.

It is the same clinic where Rajo Devi Lohan, the world’s oldest mother, was controversially treated, aged 70. ‘Bhateri Devi was coming to us for the treatment. She has become a mother for the first time and conceived only in our third attempt through IVF technique,’ said Dr Anurag Bishnoi.
The triplets, weighing 1.1kg (2lbs 6oz), 1kg (2lbs 4oz) and 0.7kg (1lb 7oz), are dangerously underweight and are being treated in intensive care. They were born by Caesarean section on May 29. ‘I will provide all the best facilities for my children in the coming years,’ promised Mr Singh.
So sad that women feel they HAVE to do this. The children had to be from donor eggs anyway, so it all boiled down to who popped them out, and that ain't healthy for an elderly woman. Why do you think we invented menopause? And the children will be the ones to pay when they grow up without their parents.
If he couldn't have children with 3 wives -I think the problem is his - He should have his package checked.
Great. More horrifically selfish people in India.
They really need some laws there to prevent these old farts from procreating. This is getting ridiculous.
it's so sad to me that children begging and homeless is epidemic in India and adopting a child isn't an option for these families. It's just so twisted.
<span><span>Egoïstic Child Abuse.
That's just what this is. Nothing more.</span></span>
Some people are much more interested in having children than in being parents.
Totally, 100% stupid and selfish! I feel bad for those children who might possibly have health issues (if not now, but maybe later in their lives) and other non-health related implications. Very likely, they will become orphans at an early age. It has to be regulated somehow, and whoever is involved have to be held responsible. Of course, doctors are motivated by profits - nothing else; but it has to be put under control. I am not a mother myself yet, but I feel for those kids. People who decide to do it at such an old age are just ignorant idiots brainwashed by the society (it is a sad fact though that some societies put so much pressure on certain things - in this case, you're 'not a person if you don't have a kid').
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