In his frantic 911 call, all Harris could do was shout out his name and address and tell them he'd been crushed. "I'm trapped...I'm trapped," Harris pleads with the 911 operator before giving his address. You're what? You're trapped or...," the operator says. "What's wrong, you said you're trapped or you're drunk?" "I'm crushed," the man says, repeating his address.

"OK, they're on their way," the operator responds. Harris, sounding groggy, calls back a second time. "Sir, did something fall on you?" the emergency operator asks. "I think a f---ing buffalo fell on me," he responds.
When police got to Harris house, they found him still bound to the chair by the buffalo. "Get this thing off me," he tells a deputy. He was freed and taken to nearby Mariner's Hospital for treatment. Harris said the buffalo had been killed by a friend 10 years ago in Africa. He said he's "pretty banged up" and bandaged but will be alright.
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