The flight, to Girona in Spain, had been due to leave at 2pm but by 6pm the flight's besieged crew called the police. The 168 passengers, many with children, became increasingly angry after the crew refused to open the refreshment trolleys, saying they were forbidden from doing so until the flight was in the air. Others wanted to get off the plane.

Officers decided to buy Mars bars, Double Deckers and water at the force's expense and brought the supplies on board. The flight eventually left shortly before 8pm. A Strathclyde police spokeswoman said: "Officers attended at 6pm to assess the situation and assist cabin crew. Officers subsequently purchased water and chocolate for every passenger on board and took it to them.
"Some of the passengers were slightly fraught after a delay in their flight departing. [Police] remained at the airport until after the plane had left." Ryanair said it was unable to allow the passengers to disembark. "Ryanair asked passengers to remain on board while awaiting take-off authorisation, to minimise passenger inconvenience and avoid a further delay or likely flight cancellation," a spokesman said.
When easyjet cancelled my flight at christmas, I had no choice but to go via ryanair. Ryanair raped me for £500 for two one-way tickets from Bristol to Eire (and not Belfast as we'd booked with easyjet). At the easyjet desk someone ranting and raving about how he'd never fly easyjet again etc., to which my better half muttered: "It's funny how ryanair can be the one airline who piss you off more than those who cancel your flight".
I'd call the police, too. Isn't that "forcible confinement"?
i know, i know, i got treated by ryanair in a same customer friendly way too
it's 10p.m. -and you're in the wrong city, no : not the one closest to home (or the airport you were supposed to land...)
and you HAVE to go to work next morning, about 200 miles away....
These stories are far to frequent now. I wear surgery scrubs to the airport now so the shake down is minimal. I was interviewed 5 times in Kuwait before I could board a plane back to the USA where I am a citizen. I am packing in a new way. I carry some munchables, sleeping pills, and three good books. As long as the AC is operable, I could care less.
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