It said the one-year-old female golden hamster had to be put down after suffering severe burns. One of its feet was burnt through to the bone. The boy, from the Corby area of Northamptonshire, threatened to microwave his brother's hamster before he placed it in the cooker in March last year.

The boy pleaded guilty to one count of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal at a court hearing in January. RSPCA inspector Clint Davies said afterwards: ''This is an extremely shocking case. I don't think we can have any idea how much pain an animal goes through when it's put in a microwave and cooked alive.
''This hamster's leg was burned to a crisp and as microwaves cook from the inside, the organ damage to this tiny animal must have been horrific. It would take more than a few seconds to burn the leg right down to the bone."
Microwaves don't cook from the inside out. If they did, your burrito...or hamster... wouldn't be cold on the inside and burned on the outside.
What kind of microwave are you using?
The only problem I've ever had was uneven heating. But the inside definitely gets heated (without blackening the outside).
Not literally from the inside out, but from the inside as well as on the surface.
microwaves, ive been told, cooks from about a 1-2cm under the surface and thats why it appears it cooks from centre outwords (although a the rotating plate inside might cook it evenly)
thanks to the advice from all posters "blitherypoop" can start all over again experimenting
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