Saturday, June 19, 2010

US boy's homemade hat falls foul of school weapon ban

A woman in Rhode Island said that her son's school had stopped the boy from wearing a patriotic hat he had made to honour US troops because it broke a school ban on weapons.

Christan Morales said that when her eight-year-old son, David, had to make a hat for his class at Tiogue school in Coventry, he decided to glue small plastic army figures to a camouflage hat bearing an American flag. But she said he was not allowed to wear the hat to school, and that his teacher had called to say it was not appropriate because guns were represented, violating a ban on weapons and toy weapons.

1 comment:

so said...

I agree with the principal : that hat is inappropriate. Not because of the guns, but because school is not a place to express you patriotism, it's a place to learn.