Sunday, June 20, 2010

US gospel singer croaks out lowest note ever sung

A former gospel singer from Illinois has hit the lowest note ever produced by a human voice, according to Guinness World Records.

Roger Menees, from Anna, in the southern part of the state, received a certificate this week from the organisation.

Mr Menees, a coach driver for gospel and rock musicians, managed the feat on Feb 11 at his Carbondale recording studio. He hit 0.393 hertz - a very low F-sharp. The previous record was 0.797 hertz.

But Mr Menees says he could have done better and will probably make another attempt if his new record is bested anytime soon.


Jens said...

Isn't Hertz the unit of swings per second?
So .393 hz would be about 2 and a half second for one swing of the waves, so deep, you can't hear it.
What we hear at the end of the video is around 6-8 hz i assume (didn't measure it).
Maybe it was meant .393 seconds for one swind, leading to approx 2.5hz?

xezzy said...

thats amazing, i saw this guy in justice's "across the universe" DVD and he was indeed a bus driver there. And he mentioned once that he plans to set record on the lowest note ever sung.

Mr. Amazing said...

Doesn't it remind you of a nice and steady "buuuuurp"?

Joao Vitor said...

Yes, that's definately wrong. Anway, the YouTube description states it's 8 Hz (or that was the record he broke, I didn't understand.)