Residents were rewarded for complying with the law with a bar, a barbecue and live music. Church warden Mike Cox said: "It seems she's still entitled to do that. I've been checking on the web and most archery experts and clergy seem to agree she is," Mr Cox added.

Photo from here.
"Though a lot of the laws were repealed, that particular one still stands so she's entitled to call the men of the village, and presumably the women and children too, to archery practice. Mary's always wanted to do it ever since she found out she could. It's been one of those hankering ambitions. It's sufficiently bizarre that you want to have a go at it."
Mrs Edwards said: "It's an unrepealed law from some time in the middle ages and I can call all the men - but I've extended it to all people - in the parish to archery practice. We are celebrating the building of a new loo in the church. After all these years we have at long last brought running water to the church."
My understanding is this law was repealed in 1986.
according to the article '"Though a lot of the laws were repealed, that particular one still stands'
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