Experts believe the bird may have escaped from a falconry centre or a local bird collector. Neighbour Simon Keenor said: "It was a bit of a shock to see a vulture staring around looking for its next meal."

Mr Keenor was able to snap a photo of the vulture before it took to the air again. He added: "Normally we get a few sparrows and magpies around here - not giant birds of prey. "But it seemed quite at home even though he must be thousands of miles away from his usual haunts."
Vultures, which are not native to the UK, are among the largest birds in the world. They feed on the carcasses of dead animals. The RSPB said birds found in the UK are "usually quite tame" and urged people to report sightings of it.
...In bad movies the vultures start to circle and drop by if someone hasd died or if someone is about to die- They see and smell that from tens of miles away. So I'd be mightily worried now if I lived there.....
Nuthin to worry 'bout. Thousands of similar turkey vultures 'round here, along with dozens of other birds of prey. They're kind of like the catfish of birds? meh.
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