Monday, June 21, 2010

Woman almost caused accident whilst driving and 'having thoughts of love'

Belgian, Sonia Markus, aged 34, was driving her Peugeot 205 along a highway and skidded on a wet road, causing traffic to swerve around her.

The police pulled her over and were shocked to discover that she was undressed from the waist down.

After covering up, the driver admitted that she had been thinking of her husband, whom she had not seen for several weeks. She was travelling to collect him from an Army barracks on the Belgium-French border.

The woman confessed that her thoughts had become “very loving towards him” and it was at this point she could not resist and decided to take action - whilst driving. “I could not help it”, the blonde said. “I could not wait to see my husband and I just was overwhelmed with thoughts of love.”

The police immediately ordered her to “take a cold shower” and not to drive again until she was ”calmer with focused thoughts” and was thinking of other things such as what to cook her husband for lunch.

“This is a very serious incident,” Sergeant Uloin stated. “We see many strange things on our roads and this does happen often, but usually men. However, the woman was lucky not to cause a serious accident which may have been fatal for others as much as herself.”


soubriquet said...

Superintendent U-loin?

L said...

Okay, first of all, lady, you're having thoughts of lust... not love.

And second, why didn't you kick Uloin in his u-groin for implying that all women are good for is cooking for men?

Is Belgium really that sexist?  I thought they were pretty progressive...