The men were convicted in 2002 of raping an 18-year-old woman in Hanoi, and sentenced to 11 to 16 years in prison. Pham Thi Hong, an acupuncturist at the national traditional medicine hospital, said prison officials had sent one of the men to her for treatment in 2006.

She said examination of a pressure point beneath the convict's ear showed a small capillary was unbroken, which Vietnamese traditional medicine holds to mean that he was a virgin. Hong then examined the other two men. "I recognised these three men had never had sex with women," Hong said.
Hong and other hospital officials wrote letters to President Triet and other officials. After the case was reopened, police found that the initial investigators had made several errors, including misidentifying a knife the victim said the rapists carried and a necklace one of them was wearing, Tinh said. The three men were released from prison, and the Hanoi People's Court will officially reopen their case and exonerate them in June, Tinh said.
The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me.
I bet those "virginal" convicts have had their faith in traditional Vietnamese medicine greatly diminished by this. Not that they would tell anyone, if they were smart.
They've never had sex with a woman.. Unless they had soap on a rope, I guess that capillary doesn't break if they've had sex with men.
No kidding. How did they manage to stay virgins after almost a decade in prison?
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