"They've been living like there was a wall up for two years now," said Abe Konstam, an attorney for Pinchs Gold. "This just helps them completely avoid each other." The Golds married 21 years ago, but after years of arguments, the wife, who claims her husband verbally abuses her and their five children, just wants him to pack his bags. She claims he even spitefully blows out their Shabbos candles. Pinchs denies those allegations.

Pinchs Gold, meanwhile, claims Nechama Gold hides his heart medication. She also banished him from the bedroom, he claims, forcing him to sleep for two years in their dining room. On May 18, her lawyer asked the court for temporary exclusive occupancy. The judge's response took a more divide-and-conquer approach to the hostilities.
"It's a large house, so I think we can come up with some sort of agreement," conceded Nechama Gold's lawyer, Brian Perskin. "But she wants him out." The plans drawn up allots Nechama Gold about 700 more square feet because the kids will live with her. "This could be called the Divorce Wall," said Rabbi Mendel Gold, Pinchs Gold's brother. "It could probably even help healthy couples."
Personally, if me and the missus where building a ‘divorce wall’ in our little dwelling we’d definitely wouldn’t want to use cardboard, unless perhaps it was heavily reinforced with Styrofoam and with a barbed wire to boot. As for where the wall should go, I would at least insist that she get to have the bathroom on her side of the wall (I could always go take a discreet leak on the street curb…), the fridge on my side (the thought of not drinking my beer cold kills me) and a fortified trench running through our bedroom.
"It could probably even help healthy couples."
Yeah... because shutting down the lines of communication and acting like preschoolers is a great way to build up your relationship.
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