Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paralyzed therapy cat inspires patients

Scooter just might be the most amazing, most appreciated therapy animal to ever grace a hospital hallway. While institutional doors have opened to an increasing number of dogs, Scooter is a cat, and that's a rarity in therapy circles.

Therapy dogs spread joy. So does Scooter, but he also comforts and inspires.

His hind legs are paralyzed because his spine was broken two years ago when he was a kitten. Betsy Kennon, the veterinarian who saved his life, straps him into a custom-made wheeled cart that supports his lifeless legs. Then off they go to HealthSouth Harmarville Rehabilitation Hospital.

Scooter has a special rapport with patients who cannot walk because of injuries and strokes. On one of his first hospital visits, a patient solemnly watched as the 9-pound black-and-white cat made his rounds, front paws trotting and back wheels spinning. "If he can do it, so can I," said the woman, who had just had a leg amputated.

Full story here.

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