Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cow tongue delays trains

A cow tongue with nails embedded in it stopped the MetroRail in its tracks on Monday morning after the package was discovered between the tracks in East Austin.

Capital Metro Interim Manager of Security John Jones and security guards described the disturbing contents of the paper bag, which also had writing on the butcher paper.

Someone spotted the package at around 7 a.m. on the tracks just west of the intersection of Fifth and Chicon streets .

The Austin Police Department bomb squad arrived on scene to investigate the package - meat wrapped in a plastic bag - after Austin police did the initial observation and decided to move the package off the tracks.

Capital Metro spokesman Adam Shaivitz said earlier on Monday morning that he could only say the suspicious package was a bag and that there was not a bomb inside.

Austin police have determined the package is not dangerous in nature, and crime scene detectives are still investigating. Meanwhile, Jones said there is a meat market just down the street at Seventh and Chicon streets that sells cow tongues.

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