Saturday, August 14, 2010

Motorist in melting ice cream madness

A motorist rammed another vehicle before threatening to run over a woman because she had ice cream melting in her car, a court heard. Jacqueline Griffiths drove head-on into a Jeep being driven by Karen Gorman-Hawkins, before threatening to run over Mrs Gorman-Hawkins’ mother because “it was nearing teatime and she needed to get home”, Welshpool Magistrates Court heard.

Griffiths, 46, of Penarron Drive, Kerry, near Newtown, in Mid Wales, had been travelling down a single track road which is only used to access homes in part of Newtown. She met a resident travelling in the opposite direction and refused to move, instead ramming her car, threatening to run over the victim’s mother, then leaving the scene before police arrived. Griffiths previously admitted charges of dangerous driving and failing to stop at the scene of an accident, and appeared at Welshpool Magistrates yesterday for sentencing.

She was banned from driving for 12 months and given an 18 month community order with supervision by the probation service. She was also ordered to pay £85 costs. Mr Stephen Davies, prosecuting, said the incident took place on June 24 in Wern Ddu Lane in Newtown. Mr Davies said the incident “resulted in Griffiths ramming into Mrs Gorman-Hawkins’ Jeep.”

Mrs Gorman-Hawkins called her mother and police, with her mother arriving just as Griffiths was set to drive away. She stood in front of Griffiths’ car, but Griffiths told her to move or she would run her over. She then drove until the car touched her leg. Under police interview, Griffiths said she had ice cream getting warm in the car and it was teatime and she needed to get home. Owain Jones, for Griffiths, said it was not a “boy racer” situation and she was sorry for what happened

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