Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sheepdog trainer using ducks to get in shape for competition

A border collie in Northumberland whose owner hopes he can make the English sheepdog team has been honing his skills - by herding ducks. The talented canine, called Roy, has been in training for a competition which could see him chosen to represent England at future international events.

Owner Emma Gray said the Indian Runner ducks were ideal training for seven-month-old Roy due to their slow speed. Roy is a hit with visitors to the farm who watch his regular displays.

Ms Gray, 24, who works on her parents' farm near Morpeth, has been working with sheepdogs for two years. She said: "The dogs know the difference between ducks and sheep, but they are not really bothered as long as they are working.

"It's great fun and I love working with the dogs. It is much more entertaining herding ducks and we do displays at the farm which go down well. The ducks are a bit more predictable than sheep and cannot run as fast so they do not get away from the dog."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I might get Runner Ducks for my young female Border Collie. She shows signs of wanting to herd, she's a great dog. Roy sounds like he really enjoys himself herding ducks, and sounds like he will make a great sheepdog someday!