Friday, August 13, 2010

Toad-licking chef fined

A Davenport restaurant was ticketed on Wednesday by the Scott County Health Department after its head chef was caught on tape kissing and licking live toads in the kitchen on Sunday. Health department officials reviewed the video on Wednesday and called in the chef and owner of Osaka in Davenport to issue a $335 ticket. "There were several violations committed during the video," said food inspector Lindsay Gorishek. "Toads carry several diseases and they also had them in their mouth and then back in their hands on the prep table."

Christopher Turla, who goes by the name TaiMaiShu at the popular Japanese restaurant, is seen on the tape inside the restaurant during business hours with two small toads on the prep table where vegetables are cut. As customers linger in the dining room, he picks up the toads, then kisses them a few times, repeatedly licks them, then stuffs them both in his mouth and puts both of his hands back on the table.

"It was a joke, it was like a dare to myself, if I can lick a frog or kiss a frog," Turla said after getting the citation. His brother videotaped the kitchen antics and then they were posted on Facebook. He said he was done cooking for the night, and was just waiting for the rest of the customers to leave. Restaurant owner Yidi When said he'll pay the fine, and also said Turla is just a funny guy who needs some more training about restaurant sanitation. "I got a ticket, I'll pay for it,"

When said. "It's his fault and my fault too. He's not supposed to bring frogs in the restaurant." In June, the health department cited Osaka for 14 non-toad violations, eight deemed critical. Gorishek said it may have been meant as a joke, but in a restaurant it's not funny. "We expect people to know the regulations and to abide by them, so it was disappointing," he said.

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