Thursday, September 09, 2010

Asbo yob given solar calendar to keep him out of park at night

A yob was banned from a park at night by ­magistrates – who then spent an hour of valuable court time making him a solar calendar so he would know when it was dark. But after the case Daniel Wakefield said he would not use it anyway.

The 18-year-old tearaway said: “It’s stupid giving me a calendar. It’s easy to know when it’s light and when it’s dark.” The teenager, of Spencer, Northants, was banned from a local park at night as part of a two-year Asbo imposed for his unruly behaviour, including shouting and swearing.

But JPs then queried how he would know when it was sunset. They decided that he needed a chart showing the sun’s movements each day for the next two years. And with taxpayers footing the bill for court time, they consulted with lawyers and court officials for an hour to produce it.

Unemployed ­Wakefield – who was also ordered to pay £500 costs – said after Monday’s hearing he wouldn’t use the solar chart and didn’t deserve an Asbo. Last night, a ­TaxPayers’ Alliance spokeswoman said: “It’s ridiculous that time and money has been wasted teaching this offender the difference between dark and light. As Wakefield says himself, it’s common sense.”

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