Monday, September 20, 2010

Colombian youths cheat death in 'train game'

Teenagers in Colombia have been filmed playing a potentially deadly game of "chicken" by lying on railway tracks while trains pass above them.

Dozens of youths in the South American country are taking part in the dangerous pastime, which they have dubbed "the train game". Those involved wait on the tracks until they see a train heading their way and lie between the rails just before they are hit, letting it pass over them.

One young man explained what attracted him to the alarming activity. "To me, it's a way to do acrobatics by risking ourselves in a heroic way there at the bridge," he said.

So far, there have been no reported deaths but there have been injuries, including one youth who lost two of his fingers. Local authorities said they would start a public health campaign in a bid to convince the youngsters not to take part.

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