Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Talking newspapers startle readers in India

Two Indian newspapers are claiming to have notched up a global first by running "talking ads". Last week's innovation proved to be a major talking point. The pathbreaking ads, placed by Volkswagen, appeared on the back pages of special wraparounds published by The Times of India and The Hindu.

When the paper was unfolded a light-sensitive speaker chip was activated. The ads caused something of a stir. Police in Delhi received numerous calls from frightened and suspicious people.

In Mumbai, the bomb squad was called out when people became suspicious of noises coming from discarded newspapers in trash bins. A flight from Delhi to Mangalore was delayed after passengers complained about the noise caused by stacks of talking ad papers. They were offloaded and Air India is now considering a ban on such papers in future.

One reader complained to the Times: "It took me 15 minutes to find a way to get the thing to shut up. They should have added instructions on how to stop it."

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